Friday, February 8, 2008

Funny Stuff

Just a few funny things that happened this last week.

Fast Sunday
Ever since Anna was little she has loved to bare her testimony. She is the first person up there each testimony meeting and you never quite know what shell say but what the ward does know, is she is the first one up. This particular sunday was rather entertaining. It was only Dave, Anna and Myself sitting on the side bench when they opened up the meeting up to the congregation. Some people on the other side of the chapel had started to walk up, Anna looked at me concerned and i just simply said, You better hurry. My mistake, Anna got up real fast and began to walk quickly, then finally run down the isle to get to the pulpit. Then, when she got up there, she looked at the othe two people who got there on the stand at the same time, pointed her finger at them waving it and said, Haha I beat you! Everyone started laughing, then she began her sweet testimony. She never ceases to amaze me!

Virgin Ears turn away.
I was sitting in my dads room with my sister Valerie and dad, when anna casually came in and started to massage my shoulders. We got talking and I always have teased anna when she says she doesnt feel good that she is pregnant. Sometimes she indulges me and says maybe, sometimes she is not in the mood to be teased and says no. Its always a hit or miss what shell feel like saying that day. Well, today I was feeling extra silly and said Anna, maybe one day we can be pregnant together. She said, I am not pregnant yet theresa! Val then jumps in and says, Anna how do you get pregnant....(assuming mind you, that she will say somethign about kissing) She suprised us all when her response was, "You have to have those Sex first" I almost peed my pants I was laughing so hard. My dad then couldnt handle hearing his sweet anna go any farther, and jumped in with, Okay thats enough!
She is so great! You have to have those sex first!

Just a couple funny little things that happened this week! Hope everyone has a great day!


Unknown said...

Ahahaa!!! LOL! I love that! I wish I could get away with saying haha beat you when I run up to bear my testimony. Keep these hilarious stories coming!

Anonymous said...

Too bad I am not in your ward! I would love to hear Anna's testimony. You are so lucky to have her as a sister!

Tara said...

That is one of the things I remember about Anna too....always being first to give her testimony. I wish I could have seen it. At least she didn't do one of her dances up there.

-KJ said...

A perfect testimony from a perfect person! Great story!
As far as the other is concerned, I had an aunt who thought she could get prego kissing under water...when she was a senior in high school! So, Anna is ahead of the game!

Courtney M said...

Oh I just love these stories!

steph j. said...

thanks for the laughs, i wish i was a fly on the wall in your home!

Alli Easley said...

The aunt Kjersten is talking about is my mother, Shauna Oblad. She was on the crack in high school and totally thought you'd get pregnant if you kissed under water. It's a miracle that my siblings and I are even here.

Oh and I'm Allison, the oldest Oblad sib. I remember the day Anna was born, and I remember the day Kenny bore his testimony about what a blessing and a true privilege it was to have a tiny angel baby born to him. I love this blog. You should update it every single day!