Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Talkin Smack!

Today an interesting thing happened. It was my Aunt Roxie's birthday so some ladies from my ward and all my Aunts came to Mimi's cafe for lunch to celebrate Roxie! Well, Anna came and sat next to me. Apparently my aunt informed Anna she had seen pictures of her and her boyfriend David from the blog i created for her. Anna not really understanding what exactly a blog is was a little upset. She had this stern look on her face and i asked her what was wrong. She informed me she was upset at me. I asked her why and she said "Because youre talkin bout me behind my back!" I said what on earth are y0u talking about. She then proceeded to tell me "Aunt nancy said you was showin her those pictures of me and my boyfriend." I was really confused for a minute then it hit me, I have not told or even shown anna her blog. Not that she would get it anyway, but she might think its fun people are askin about her. She does however get a little, well a lot sensitive when she thinks people are makin fun of her. We as siblings get in trouble a lot if she over hears us telling stories because she thinks when we are laughing its that we are making fun of her, not just enjoying the fact that she is brilliant in all her little ways. Anyway back to my story, I told her about her blog and that I was writing stories so people could know what was going on in her life and she cut me off, her eyes got huge and she goes "Thats right thats right thats right just like i said Talkin bout me behind my back!" Totally upset. I then tried to once again explain it was not making fun of her and that it was a nice thing that people love her and think she is so great and that they want to keep up on her life. I think she started to get it and realize that this was a good thing for her because this meant she was becoming rather popular. So she then looked at me and said with a stern look and a rather threatening tone, "Alright, just as long as i dont find out you been talkin bout me behind my back!"
So please note, anyone that does run into anna in the next while, if you do mention the blog about her, make it sound exciting! Or better yet dont mention it at all. Later that day at the end of lunch i was telling Aunt Georgia what happened and Anna over heard us talking and she rolled her eyes at us and said "Ugh, I just so sick of you guys talkin bout this blog" Poor Anna, life is so rough for her.


Lindsay said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's great! Just tell Anna we love her.

Valerie said...

ANNA BANANA POPTART- I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU! What would I do without you in my life! I'm afraid that sensitivity probably comes from waaayyyyy too many years of teasing her. We are all going to hell. Why is it so fun to tease a mentally retarded girl who doesn't even understand it all? Yeah I'm definately going to hell! I just luv her in my heart!

-KJ said...

Show her the blog or read her some of the things people say. She will realize how popular she really is! She is too cute!